⚡⚡Stake Your Cardano with my new ADA Pool! Ticker: CCV1 How To Stake Cardano Tutorial: CCV1 pool id for delegation: e0d0ce6856aa952a99cb376b4f882dd376aa6e095dc36c886faaa19c Intro 00:00 Bitcoin price breakout, but is it bullish? 00:45 BTC price resistance 1:10 Big bullish move for Bitcoin 1:30 Bitcoin bulls have a shot 2:40 Bitcoin daily bull move 3:10 Cardano continues to test patience 5:20 Cardano daily bullish 6:30 Huge ADA price resistance 7:00 Short term Cardano resistance 7:30 Will Cardano breakout? 8:30 Be careful with Bitcoin and Cardano takeout 9:30 Bitcoin and Cardano showing signs of bullish breakout, but is this a etc and ada price fakeout? Bitcoin and Cardano have entered the eye of the resistance storm, and things are really getting heated across the entire crypto market as btc, ada, and altcoin bulls fight to see a bullish breakout. Subscribe, Like, Follow me